Values and Principles Underpinning our Curriculum
We follow the Statutory National Curriculum September 2014.
We believe that alongside these statutory requirements it is also important for children to be taught skills to equip them to be lifelong learners. We actively develop thinking, questioning, problem-solving and creative skills. Children are encouraged to become independent learners, be decisive and confident in the decisions they make, be good citizens who can develop healthy and positive relationships with others and remain healthy and resilient. We are preparing our children to be 21st Century citizens who contribute positively to local, national and global communities.
Our curriculum is designed to reflect the background and experience of the children; it is outward facing, setting learning in global contexts wherever possible as well as celebrating diversity to emphasise unity ensuring the children are prepared for life in modern Britain.
Learning isn’t always confined to indoors. We believe that play and exploration through the natural environment not only enhances children’s learning but also helps them become aware of the beauty and fragility of their local and global environment.
At Melbury Primary School we are ensuring that our children are secondary school ready. This includes not only what but also how the child learns.
We have a topic based curriculum, which is enhanced by quality texts in literacy and exposing our children to a broad and rich vocabulary. We believe every child is entitled to be literate and be numerate. We believe it is our duty for all children to be able to read by the time they leave our school and therefore we put a huge emphasis on early reading and daily phonics in the foundation stage and Key Stage One. Through our golden threads (British Values and SMSC) pupils will learn an awareness of others and the world around them, developing tolerance, respect for others and an understanding of democracy and a sense of right and wrong.
Our Golden threads run throughout the curriculum and ethos and values. They are sometimes taught explicitly and sometimes incidentally as part of curriculum. They also run through our behaviour policy and use of our outdoor spaces.