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Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment;


Tuesday 5th March

Six of our children represented Melbury at the Area Band Concert at Nottingham's Albert Hall. They played three pieces and sang. It was a great evening of jazz, classical and popular music.

Thank you to those families who joined us for the evening. 



Friday 1st March

We would like to share some good news about attendance. We have received an award because Melbury School is in the top 25% of similar schools in England. Thank you for supporting us and keep up the good work getting your children to school on time. 

Thursday 1st February

Mike Payton, a storyteller, visited school to tell stories as part of our National Storytelling Week Celebrations. Everyone got involved and had a fantastic day. 

Wednesday 12th December

Melbury Primary school were represented by 6 pupils at Area Band last night at the Christmas in the City concert at the Albert Hall in Nottingham. Our children played alongside the Robin Hood Youth Orchestra (RYO). It was a fantastic evening and the children were a credit to themselves, their parents and the school. 

Thursday 13th December

Class 2 and Class 4 visited St Martin's Church in Bilborough today. The children were learning about Christingle, what each part symbolises and it's meaning. The visit was very creative and every child had a Christingle to take home.