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Class 6

Welcome to Summer Term. In Year 6 we are preparing for our SATs tests, which take place week commencing Monday 13th May. The tests will take place over 4 days and will include 3 Maths papers, a reading comprehension paper, a grammar paper and a spelling test. Children have been given revision resources to do at home to help support their learning in school. 

In the afternoons we will be doing our Topic work on 'Equality' which looks at the treatment of the Jews and other minority groups during WW2 and racial prejudice and discrimination in our world today and how it impacts on society. We will also continue with our ICT lessons, Spanish, Religious Education and PE with Mr Cox. This half term is 'Healthy Half Term', during this time there will be a focus on how to live a healthy lifestyle through being active, exercising and eating a varied, healthy diet. In DT we will look at meal planning and try foods from different nations. 

If you have any questions or concerns, Miss Corder is available at the end of the day if you wish to pop in, or you can make an appointment at the school office.

Our P.E. sessions take place on a Thursday afternoon. Please make sure your child has the correct kit with them. The PE kit is black shorts or jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt (or t-shirt with school logo) and plimsolls or trainers. Earrings need to be removed for PE please.