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Outdoor Learning and Forest Schools

Learning isn’t always confined to indoors. We are fortunate to have a large field, our own woods, outdoor looms, a willow structure, an outdoor traverse climbing wall and a trim trail.  Each class has their own garden area. In other words lots of outdoor learning, adventurous activities, opportunities and experiences happen here at Melbury. We believe that play and exploration through the natural environment not only enhances children’s learning but also helps them become aware of the beauty and fragility of their local and global environment. Outdoor learning encompasses the whole curriculum and children take part in at least one outdoor lesson a week. This could be maths on the playground or a reading treasure hunt.  All classes take part in outdoor learning activities whatever the weather!   

Each class takes part in a half termly session of outdoor learning in our woods . You will be informed in advance when this will happen. Children are encouraged to bring waterproofs and wellies on such days.  We do have a selection of suitable clothes and footwear available if pupils do not have appropriate clothes.   
Forest Schools
We also run Forest Schools weekly to support vulnerable pupils.  These sessions are run by our Learning Mentor.